Numeracy Sessions
We offer a multitude of sessions to help teach numeracy in the classroom. They are hands-on and provide useful tools and theory. Sessions are suitable for individual classes, schools, school districts, and teacher conventions. Sessions can be virtual or in-person and can be customized to best suit your needs. We have an experienced group of teachers who conduct the sessions. Contact us for more information!
These sessions cover key concepts to allow students to easily master basic facts, all part of the Thinking Strategies series.
These sessions cover the theory behind using models to teach mathematics and then show you how to use models in your classroom.
These sessions provide you with useful tools and theory of how to best teach numeracy to young learners.
This session presents the Mathimagine Foundation's Cross-Number puzzles based on extensive Math Recovery research and theory.
Numerous games supporting numeracy and basic facts from The Mathlmagine Foundation resources will be introduced and played during the session.